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Wilderness owner strongly recommends the Sawyer Extractor ( case and first aid kit shown are optional, but not included ) for anyone traveling into the outdoors, whether military, law enforcement or citizen. During his years of experience as the leader of a mountain rescue team, Ralph saw a need for an immediately available method of dealing with potentially poisonous bites and stings. The whole point of the Extractor is immediate response, but if it's buried in your pack you lose valuable time. When carried on your pack or LBE in our optional quick-access Wilderness Extractor Case , the Sawyer Extractor¬聠will help you respond to an emergency immediately. It will give you a better chance of reducing short and long-term damage until you can get to more advanced medical care. The Extractor Case will also hold a small Sawyer Pocket First Aid Kit, or similar sized item. From Sawyer's site: The Extractor Vacuum Pump was designed specifically to provide the most powerful suction available for the safe extraction of venoms and poisons. Because the Extractor's Double Chamber Pump action is so powerful you will not need to use the dangerous scalpel blades or knives associated with less effective bite kits. This means Sawyer's First Aid Kit is the safest available, with the least risk of infection. Because it's a Pump and not a Syringe, it's easy to use with one hand. Just select which of the four plastic cups best covers the bitten area, attach it to the pump, then a simple push of the plunger with your thumb and the Extractor Pump will quickly and effectively remove venoms and poisons from below your skin. By simply cleaning the cups after each use you may safely reuse the pump over and over again. " />
Wilderness owner strongly recommends the Sawyer Extractor ( case and first aid kit shown are optional, but not included ) for anyone traveling into the outdoors, whether military, law enforcement or citizen. During his years of experience as the leader of a mountain rescue team, Ralph saw a need for an immediately available method of dealing with potentially poisonous bites and stings. The whole point of the Extractor is immediate response, but if it's buried in your pack you lose valuable time. When carried on your pack or LBE in our optional quick-access Wilderness Extractor Case , the Sawyer Extractor¬聠will help you respond to an emergency immediately. It will give you a better chance of reducing short and long-term damage until you can get to more advanced medical care. The Extractor Case will also hold a small Sawyer Pocket First Aid Kit, or similar sized item. From Sawyer's site: The Extractor Vacuum Pump was designed specifically to provide the most powerful suction available for the safe extraction of venoms and poisons. Because the Extractor's Double Chamber Pump action is so powerful you will not need to use the dangerous scalpel blades or knives associated with less effective bite kits. This means Sawyer's First Aid Kit is the safest available, with the least risk of infection. Because it's a Pump and not a Syringe, it's easy to use with one hand. Just select which of the four plastic cups best covers the bitten area, attach it to the pump, then a simple push of the plunger with your thumb and the Extractor Pump will quickly and effectively remove venoms and poisons from below your skin. By simply cleaning the cups after each use you may safely reuse the pump over and over again. " />

The Sawyer Extractor for snakebite

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Price: $17.99
Manufacturer: The Wilderness
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Wilderness owner strongly recommends the Sawyer Extractor (case and first aid kit shown are optional, but not included) for anyone traveling into the outdoors, whether military, law enforcement or citizen. During his years of experience as the leader of a mountain rescue team, Ralph saw a need for an immediately available method of dealing with potentially poisonous bites and stings.

The whole point of the Extractor is immediate response, but if it's buried in your pack you lose valuable time. When carried on your pack or LBE in our optional quick-access Wilderness Extractor Case, the Sawyer Extractor¬聠will help you respond to an emergency immediately. It will give you a better chance of reducing short and long-term damage until you can get to more advanced medical care. The Extractor Case will also hold a small Sawyer Pocket First Aid Kit, or similar sized item.

From Sawyer's site: The Extractor Vacuum Pump was designed specifically to provide the most powerful suction available for the safe extraction of venoms and poisons. Because the Extractor's Double Chamber Pump action is so powerful you will not need to use the dangerous scalpel blades or knives associated with less effective bite kits. This means Sawyer's First Aid Kit is the safest available, with the least risk of infection.

Because it's a Pump and not a Syringe, it's easy to use with one hand. Just select which of the four plastic cups best covers the bitten area, attach it to the pump, then a simple push of the plunger with your thumb and the Extractor Pump will quickly and effectively remove venoms and poisons from below your skin. By simply cleaning the cups after each use you may safely reuse the pump over and over again.

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