The quality of the product is the most important problem that we need to pay attention to when we customize the leather handbag. It is directly related to the quality of the product and determines the value of the handbag. The turning line of the lathe, the cutting of the leather, the flattening of the inner grid, the smoothness and gloss of the large surface of the handbag, the bonding of the glue, etc. are all important conditions for determining the manual level of the leather handbag. We really should recognize Seriously read this article, take a good look at the customization of knowledge and precautions, learn how to judge the manual quality of the handbag, this is very important!
Judging the quality of the vehicle line is the first thing we have to do. The main observation is that the line is not broken, the line is missing, the line is smooth, there is a wireless head, and the color of the line is the reference for our judgment. condition.
The second thing that needs to be paid attention to in the leather handbag is the quality of the leather cutting of the product. The handwork of the cutting material depends on whether the corners of the handbag, the cutting of the edges are flat, and there are no scratches.
The combination of the inner bag of the handbag is actually the most worthy part of the whole process of making the handbag. It is a core link that determines the function of the product. The hand that judges the inner grid can be carefully viewed from its edge for the presence or absence of slats and flattening.