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    Home News Social News Massive social reform needed t.....


    Massive social reform needed to cure smog

    • Release on:2017-01-05
    The long-lasting severe smog has become the most heated topic among residents in northern China. Pollution now is the biggest irritant as Chinese society heads toward modernization. The smog in northern China this year is indeed severe. Air pollution is caused by human-related activities, and it becomes smog when it is exacerbated by prevailing meteorological conditions. Now it has come to the point where people feel really unnerved by it. In theory, it could be tackled. The government should enhance law-making and law-enforcement regarding environmental protection and guide industrial upgrades. The public should also support low-carbon industries and dedicate themselves to a low-carbon life. Anxieties are normal emotions, but we advocate collective calmness and cool heads when confronted with the smog. We aim for maximized interests of the majority of Chinese on our path to economic and social development. We may go in the wrong direction sometimes, but we always have the initiative to adjust policies. The smog will not fade soon, but it is curable. The public should urge the government to work on it and at the same time take due actions. Behind the smog are entangled interests. Curbing pollution is a massive social reform in the wake of environmental protection, to which we should devote ourselves.
    Contact: Dora Lee Mobile phone: 0086 13018048732 E-mail: sunteam06163 Web site: www.leathergoods-manufacturers