As a man, whether use the purse is a good habit?Yes. Wallet can be receivedmoney, card, bills, or small items, indecent, of course, these things mess in my pocket.
The wallet is indispensable for business people?Yes. Reasons as mentioned in the article, in order to suitfor elegant, also want to be clean and tidy.
Long wallet is more formal than short a wallet?Yes.Long hold degrees so much thinner, put insidesuit is more break, compare with shorter, of course, it is more formal.
Like lady will take package, standard attireof ordinary business people is takea briefcase, find the purse redundant words can be put inside a briefcase, even don't use a wallet briefcase can be deal with.It is suitable for most of us.Assistant senior business people even with a handbag, wallet to bring their own loverto eatsomething, also don't let the secretary to pay.Wallet stylesis no fixed, the pocket part appearance as simple as possible (again, external surface had better not haslogo, you are countless times expensive than goods, not the free advertising of media brands).
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