Sunteam is an foreign trade export and import company. We are a Fashion leather handbag manufacturer and OEM ODM Women Wallet Leather.We are the professional supplier of bags, wallets and other small leather goods for 6 years.
As a foreign trade sales’representative, except excellent English skill in speaking and writing, you have to know the craftsmanshipof theproducts you are selling. In order to make sure the sales representatives are qualified to their job, Sunteam will send the new comers to its affiliated bags and wallets factory to learn the producing procedures of lady’s handbag, man’s handbag, lady’s wallets and man’s wallets in different materials. The new comersare requested to stay in the factory for three months. The first half month, their task is to familiar with differentmaterialsand accessories. The second half month is to learn the work procedure of different department, such as material cutting department, metal accessories department, glue department etc. At thesecond month, the new comerswill stay in the workshop to learn how to make a bag or wallet. At the last month, the new comers will using the knowledge they learned in the second month to make one lady’s handbag, one man’s handbag, one lady’s wallet and one man’s wallet by their own hand in sampling room. Then they are only qualified to work as a foreign trade sales representative in Sunteam.
Email: sunteam02
Skype: belinda062111