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    Casa Noticias Noticias sociales Bruce Lee spead the Chinese c.....


    Bruce Lee spead the Chinese cuture

    Autor:LilyFuente:Suelte el:2017-03-19
    As we all know, Chinese KungFu films began to spread overseasfrom Bruce Lee, many modern Westerners began to know the Chinese culturefrom Bruce Lee.Now, Bruce Lee has become a KungFu idol、culture idol and spirit idol.His legendarylife became a classic example of intercultural communication. Bruce Lee is a generation KungFu superstar and martial arts masters, made his life and realize the three vow: Chinese KungFu spead to the world, bringing the Chinese movies into the world market, to create a kind of Kung Fu.Modern Westerners began to knowledge Chinese Kung Fu and Chinese movies throuh Bruce Lee. As a warrior, Bruce Lee use all his life to study and develop the portrait of Kung Fu. Learning Chinese Kung Fu, studying foreign boxing, Bruce Lee to sea of mind, integration of all variety of door to send many the essence of boxing, martial arts made rapid progress, and created a JKD. His founding of Museum in the United States spread Wing Chun and Jeet Kune,speeches about his understanding of Cnines Kung Fu, communicate with the elite martial arts competitions around the world.
    Impact on South Korea
    As one of the four dragons in Asia, higher degree of modernization in South Korea, but South Korea's modernization is not in denial and abandonment of traditional culture on the basis of the modern, but the inheritance and development of traditional culture to respect, on the basis of the modern. People visited South Korea on Korean people's patriotism and cultural pride are deep feeling. For example, South Korea's most famous University of Sungkyunkwan University, its school motto. Every February and August, South Korean people traditionally go to the Temple of sacrifice to Confucius, and in full accordance with the traditional Confucian instruction in methods of teaching college, main courses are taught Confucian classic of the classics. Traditional counties has almost disappeared in China and the College in South Korea still has more than 300. The world's first Confucius Institute was founded at the end of 2004 in the South Korean capital.
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