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handbags 被点击22927次




[创始人]: [品牌档次]:国际名牌 [拥有者]:陈树人 [发源地]:法国 [进入中国]:1763年 [品牌历史]: 12年 [销售区域]: 国内市场 [企业]:


[主营]: [商铺]:fw0011. [官网]:dupontleather.cc/
蒙特露迪是源自法国巴黎的著名品牌,皇室、贵族、大器典范。 法国马提尼克岛上,(位于法国安的列群岛的最北部),尼拉·蒙特夫妇是典型勤劳、淳朴的斐坷族裔,世代以做皮具储物袋为生,寄住在马提尼克一位庄园主家,庄园主是当时皇室的侍卫长。 1763年,蒙特夫妇的小儿子MENTELUDY出生了。MENTELUDY自幼聪明伶俐,三岁便跟老蒙特学习皮具手艺,伴随着MENTELUDY成长的是他全付心血和精力对皮具制造的精致追求,专为法国马提尼克的庄园主们、皇室的干系们,制作精美的皮具用品。 1781年,因时境的变迁,18岁的MENTELUDY迁至法国巴黎。同样是凭借精湛手艺, MENTELUDY被当时巴黎上流社会的贵族们指定为他们制作各式各样的宴会包,MENTELUDY对当时巴黎时尚的把握极其敏锐。MENTELUDY的精湛制皮技术以及富有想象力的才能,得到当时上流圈子的认同。约瑟芬是法国皇帝拿破仑的皇后,而“约瑟芬的小皮匠”, 这就是MENTELUDY的绰号。MENTELUDY皮具制作的手艺湛称一流, 约瑟芬1804年册封大典时的手包就是MENTELUDY制作的。 1823年,MENTELUDY的儿子为了纪念父辈,启用MENTELUDY(中文译为“蒙特·露迪”),作为产品标识号, MENTELUDY家族世代相传、坚持不懈的传承祖辈们对皮具制作的精湛技术,为巴黎上流社会创造了一批又一批的时尚经典皮具用品。 2007年起,在中国皮具行业协会多年的考察和引领下,最终由广州市都彭世家实业公司拔得头筹,将法国MENTELUDY-----这个欧洲皮具名牌开始引进中国市场,都彭世家企业加大了在中国的资本投入,引入先进的进口设备、采用欧洲高级原材料,引用欧洲多年成功的经营经验,组建设计、研发、生产、销售等精英团队——在中国,法国MENTELUDY,这个专门为品味出众的中国消费者,带来的是极致雍容贵的欧洲皮具名品盛宴……   menteludy is the famous brand from Paris , France. It is royal, noble, atmospheric model. Many years ago, France, Martinique Island (lies in the north of French Antilles), Mr. and Mrs. Nisila Monte were the typically hard-working, honest Pervan Ke ethnicity, generation to make a living with leather storage bags, and lodged at a manor house in Martinique, at that time, the master of the manor was a royal constable. In 1763, Mr. and Mrs. Monte’s youngest son MENTELUDY was born.MENTELUDY was a intelligent and clever boy since childhood, at age three he began learning leather workmanship from his father. The leather was his great passion. He took more pains over it. His leathers were warmly received by the people of royal and noble. In 1781, the changes of the times, 18-year-old MENTELUDY moved to Paris, France. As well, with his past experience of making leather, he had been appointed to make a great variety of banquet leather bag, so MENTELUDY had the sure grasp of Paris fashion at that time. With his masterful leatherworking technique and his luxuriant imagination, MENTELUDY was welcomed by aristocratic society. Josephine was French emperor Napoleon s queen, and the nickname of MENTELUDY was “Josephine’s cobbler”. On 1804, Josephine’s Canonization Ceremony, Josephines hand bag was made by MENTELUDY. In 1823, MENTELUDY used “MENTELUDY” as products’ logo tocommemorate his father, the MENTELUDY family waspersisting in the R&D of the leather producing skill, for generations, making a string of fashion and classic leather goods for the Paris aristocratic society. Since 2007, for the investigation and lead of China Leather Industry Association, the French MENTELUDY ----- The European leather brand was first introduced to Chinese market by Guangzhou DuPont co., Ltd. Guangzhou DuPont co., had increased capital investment in China, and imported the advanced equipment, using the high raw material from Europe, using the many years of successful business experience in Europe, organized elite team of design, development, production, marketing. At China, France MENTELUDY will bring the European leather’s famous feast to the elegant Chinese consumers. 贯穿于所有的产品开发、平面、装修、运营管理等全程的品牌定位: 中文:蒙特露迪 源自法国巴黎,历史悠久,皇室、贵族、大器典范 英文:is the famous brand from Paris , France. It is royal, noble, atmospheric model....
企业名:广州市都彭贸易公司 地址:广州市白云区嘉禾鹤龙路16新时代广场A座7楼(写字楼) 电话:86-23301056-808 传真:86-23301018 网站:dupontleather.cc/ 全球箱包网商铺:fw0011./
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